Goose and I had a nice ride this morning. She finally chose to go down the road. She walked out calmly and came back just as calm. Big step for her. We finished up in the arena. She’s really starting to stretch out over her back at the trot. For so long I thought it was a body position you could “put” them in. Turns out you just have to get them relaxed and they will do it on their own.

She got a nice rinse after we were done. It was already super hot and muggy.

Tonight, Hanna went to her second barrel race this week. She and Fiddler had a good run, of course she always sees things to improve. They ended up out of the money in the 3D. Michelle Darling was at the race. It’s always fun to me to see pro racers at our local jackpots. We finished the night with a stunning sunset, and beat the rain home.

Her race earlier this week she had a nice run. It was a fast night. She ended up 5th in 4D and in the money (enough to cover tonight’s race. 🙂)

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