Maintaining a performance horse can be tough. They work so hard for us we want them to feel their best. We regularly have Fiddler, our barrel horse, magna waved. He sees the chiro regularly. We have him Bemered. But there were times in between all that where he got a little sore, and stiff.

We found Magic Mud last year during rodeo season. I saw a TikTok about it and decided to try it. The name Magic is no joke. This stuff is MAGIC! I can’t believe how well it works. We started with a small container to just give it a try, bumped up a size when that one was gone and now have moved up to the 22lb bucket.

We knew it was working, because you could tell he was feeling better, especially through the back. But the real eye opening was when Hanna twisted her ankle one night at a rodeo. She could barely walk. I messaged the folks over at Heavenly Horse Health and asked if it was safe to use on people. She told me that it was originally developed FOR people, but then they realized how well it worked on horses too. We put the mud on Hanna’s ankle and the next morning she was fine.

I stepped in a hole walking off the porch one night. Twisted my ankle really badly. Mudded it up and I was 98% by the morning.

My husband worked his calves a little too hard during a workout. Mudded them up and he was 100% the next day.

What’s crazy is when you put the mud on it instantly cools the body part it’s on. The cool lasts a really long time. When I put it on my ankle I actually got chilled from it. It’s almost like icing your body when you put it on, which helps alleviate swelling and inflammation.

KS HS rodeo is tough for reined cow horse. You do both your weekend runs in the same night. It’s a lot to do two runs almost back to back (since there are a ton of kids doing RCH in KS). We mudded up Nora when she was done with her runs and could tell she felt better.

It’s easy to put on, just spread it on with your hands. We keep gloves in the trailer so she doesn’t get her hands covered in it. You can see how easy it is to do in this quick TikTok video.


We use Magic Mud regularly to help reduce inflammation, manage any pain, help with tight muscles. We’ve tried it on ourselves with amazing results and Fiddler always seems to feel better afterward. Heavenly Horse Health dot com coupon code Fiddler10 to save 10%

♬ Feeling Good – Michael Bublé

Once you put the Magic Mud on, let it dry a bit and then you can turn them out with it on. Let it keep doing its work while they are out in the pasture or in their stall. When you need to ride again you either rinse them off or it will also curry then brush off.

If you’re struggling to find something that works for your horse, I highly recommend trying Magic Mud. You can use our coupon code Fiddler10 to save 10%.

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