Connection Archives - Little Gray Mare The journey to calm and connected horse and human Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:24:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Connection Archives - Little Gray Mare 32 32 196554542 Saddle Serenity: Finding Fitness and Fun as a New Horse Rider Over 50 Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:24:09 +0000 I was not a person who dreamed of horses her whole life, but I ended up with a daughter who did. We finally relented and bought her a horse for …

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I was not a person who dreamed of horses her whole life, but I ended up with a daughter who did. We finally relented and bought her a horse for her 12th birthday. I ended up with my own horse 2 years later when I was 48. Goose and I worked together on the ground for a long while, getting to know each other, and helping me become comfortable with horses in general.

Last year I decided I was going to start riding consistently. I started riding my horse and realized I was in really bad shape. It was hard to mount. It was hard to ride. I could stand to lose a few pounds, so I started looking for ways to get in better shape that worked for 51 year old me.

I’ll tell you, Facebook read my mind and started throwing a ton of options my way. I tried a few of them and holy moly… they were overwhelming, I was too sore to walk, even less ride, and I just couldn’t stand the energy of the programs.

One day I went into a Facebook horse group I belong to and asked what people were doing. Someone mentioned Team Body Project. I took a look and tried one of their workouts and I was hooked. The energy of Team Body Project is just completely different than the ones I’d tried before. The focus was on moving your magnificent body, and being consistent, instead of lifting heavier and more and more and more to get as strong as you can be.

At the time I was also reading some books about habits, and the mentality of Team Body Project fit right in with all of that. Daniel is my favorite trainer, though, honestly, I love his workouts so much I haven’t really tried many of the other trainers. There are workouts that are short, medium and long, easy, medium and hard! There’s always something to do, no matter what state of mind or body you are in that day.

After a couple weeks I found my legs were so much stronger. Mounting was easy! I could just step right up there. I found my balance was better, my core was stronger. It was EASIER to ride, which made it me want to do it more and made it more fun. Riding more also made me stronger, so it became an upward spiral of positive change.

Team Body Project offers a lot of free workouts on Youtube. You can try them out, see if you like them. They also have a subscription site with hundreds of workouts that aren’t on youtube. I love being able to try something before I pay for it, so I started out with the Youtube workouts, but it didn’t take me long to know I’d found a home base for fitness and join the subscription.

Building muscle, strength and balance is not the only things you need to ride over 50, you also need to be flexible. I love yoga and Yoga with Adrienne is my go to source for amazing yoga sessions. Her energy is uplifting, comforting and welcoming. I love that she encourages you to listen to YOUR body, and do what your body can do today. Her videos are free on Youtube too. And her sweet dog Benji is alway there as well.

It’s pretty easy to think you have to join a gym or pay a lot of money to get fit, but there are a lot of great choices that don’t cost you anything to just get started.

The more fit I get the better I ride, and the more fun it is. I don’t always love working out, but I do love being the best me I can be for my horse, so I keep at it. It doesn’t take hours a day, even a short 20 minute workout will keep you making progress, or at least moving your body for the day. Creating the habit of moving my body most days of the week has really helped me move forward and gain confidence as a new rider over 50.

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Horse Massage: For Everyday People Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:11:36 +0000 I went out to catch Goose today. For the first time in a really long time she played hard to get. I realized she was in heat, and thought maybe …

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I went out to catch Goose today. For the first time in a really long time she played hard to get. I realized she was in heat, and thought maybe she just wasn’t feeling a ride today. I’ve been working on practicing mental pictures as taught by Susan Fay in Sacred Spaces, so I took a minute and sent her a mental picture of just giving her a massage. She sidled right up to me and moved around putting me in the spots she wanted worked on.

I’m not a certified massage therapist, just an everyday person who loves her horse and wants to do the very best for her. I saw a few videos on TikTok about horse massage and the more I saw the more I liked the energy of the lady in the videos. I went digging and realized she had an online equine massage course. I took a look and it looked like exactly what I was wanting, so I bought it and have been learning ever since.

I love that she teaches you the specific strokes to use, and then breaks up the course in a number of different ways so you can search different things. You can search by what you’re trying to improve, like impulsion, collection, spins and so many more… then it will give you the exact muscles and strokes to work on to help them be more relaxed in the body parts required for that action. You can also search by area of the body. When Fiddler, our barrel horse, got a little sore in the back, I had the chiro come out, but then asked in the EBO group which muscle groups would be good to work on. I got a quick answer and was able to go find those videos and work on him. We added in some Magic Mud (coupon code Fiddler10 to save 10%) and he is doing so much better. I love having multiple things I can do to help my horses feel better.

Anyway… back to Goose. Today she was not feeling the ride so I just gave her a massage. She moved me to her back, and her neck, and her hind end through the time I was out there working on her. But lastly we worked on her ears. The ear pull is the one massage I see make the most difference for her. She’s not heavily worked, we take nice short rides lol, but she is anxious, and seems to carry tension in her head and neck. The ear pull helps relax the head and poll and helps with the entire body. This girl was not a fan of having her face and/or ears touched when I first got her 3 years ago. But she sure loves the ear pulls now. 🙂

Here’s a quick video on the ear pull. If your horse will let you, I highly recommend trying it.


This is a fav of mine and perfect to pair with the EBO Head & Poll release! Don’t attempt if your horse doesn’t like their ears being touched, otherwise give it a go and let me know what your horse thinks 😊 Don’t forget the EBO Spring Gift is happening now, use EBO100! . #equinebodywork #equinemassage #equinelife #equinesportstherapy #equestrian #dressage #dressur #reining #happyhorses #eventing #paard #pferd #hunterjumper #helpyourhorse #equinelife #equitation #häst

♬ original sound – Kara-EquineBodyworkOnline

If you’re interested in learning how to massage your own horse I highly recommend following Equine Bodywork Online, and when you’re ready to pick up the Equine Bodywork Online course use coupon code Jackie100 to save $100. 🙂

Since Runaway was nudging me, hinting he wanted a little massage too, I did a little ear pull on him too. He was a little worried at first but loved it by the end. I love seeing such relaxed ponies. <3

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Serenity Spot Exercise: 10 Steps to Create Connection While on the Trail Mon, 17 Jul 2023 17:28:05 +0000 The Serenity Stop is a mindful and meditative exercise that allows both the rider and the horse to relax, connect with nature, and appreciate the present moment. It helps build …

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The Serenity Stop is a mindful and meditative exercise that allows both the rider and the horse to relax, connect with nature, and appreciate the present moment. It helps build a deeper bond between the rider and their horse while fostering a sense of tranquility. Here are the steps to accomplish this challenge.

Select a Spot. As you ride along the trail, keep an eye out for a serene and safe spot where you can comfortably stop and take a moment to appreciate nature. Look for a quiet area away from distractions.

Halt Your Horse. When you find the perfect spot, gently apply the aids to bring your horse to a halt. Use a light and steady rein contact to communicate your intention to stop.

Encourage Relaxation. As your horse comes to a standstill, relax your body and breathe deeply. Your horse can sense your relaxation, which will help them unwind as well. You can dismount if you choose or do the rest of the exercise mounted. Whichever feels better to you.

Close Your Eyes. Close your eyes and let go of any tension or distractions. Focus on the sounds of nature around you, such as birdsong, rustling leaves, or the gentle flow of water if near a stream.

Breathe Mindfully. Take slow and deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow the rhythm of your breath to create a sense of calmness.

Connect with Your Horse. With your eyes closed, become aware of your horse’s presence beside or beneath you. Feel their warmth, their breath, and their subtle movements. Embrace the connection you share with your equine partner.

Appreciate Nature. While you’re in this serene moment, take the time to appreciate the beauty of the natural surroundings. Listen to the sounds, feel the breeze, and embrace the peacefulness of the trail.

Embrace Gratitude. Express gratitude for this special moment with your horse and for the opportunity to experience the wonders of nature together.

Open Your Eyes. When you’re ready to move on, gently open your eyes. Take a moment to reorient yourself and your horse before continuing the trail ride.

Reflect on the Experience. As you ride on, reflect on the Serenity Stop experience. Notice any changes in your emotions, your horse’s demeanor, and your connection after this mindful pause.

By incorporating the Serenity Stop into your trail ride, you create an opportunity to deepen your bond with your horse and experience the calming effects of nature. It allows you to be present in the moment, fostering a greater sense of confidence and connection as you continue the ride together. Enjoy this mindful journey with your equine companion!

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5 Tips to Gain Confidence in the Saddle Fri, 14 Apr 2023 15:59:33 +0000 Horseback riding can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but for those who lack confidence in the saddle, it can also be intimidating and overwhelming. Whether you’re a beginner or …

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Horseback riding can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but for those who lack confidence in the saddle, it can also be intimidating and overwhelming. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, feeling confident on horseback is essential for enjoying the ride. In this blog post, I’ll share five tips for horseback riders who lack confidence to help gain confidence in the saddle.

Work on your mindset.

The first step to gaining confidence in the saddle is to work on your mindset. Negative self-talk can sabotage your confidence, so try to shift your thoughts to a more positive outlook. Visualize yourself riding confidently and successfully, and use positive affirmations to reinforce your beliefs. If you’re struggling with anxiety or fear, consider seeking the help of a therapist or coach who can help you work through your feelings and develop coping strategies.

Build a strong foundation.

You need a foundation, but your horse also needs a foundation. I started back at the beginning with Goose. We started on the ground. The better she got on the ground the more confident I felt in my ability to handle her. Also the more confident I got on the ground, the more it translated to confidence under saddle as well. Once you’re riding, having a strong foundation in riding basics such as balance, posture, and position can give you a sense of security in the saddle. Practice exercises such as lunging or riding without stirrups to improve your skills and confidence. Take the time to work with a skilled instructor who can help you refine your technique and build your confidence.

Choose a reliable horse.

If you’re lacking confidence in the saddle, riding a safe and reliable horse can make all the difference. It really can. I don’t know that Goose was the BEST choice I could have made for a first horse, but being able to really take it one step at a time has created a great bond between us. It really is a good idea when you’re first riding and gaining confidence to choose a horse that you trust and feel comfortable with. If you’re new to riding, look for a calm and gentle horse with a steady temperament. Riding a horse that is unpredictable or difficult can erode your confidence, so make sure to choose a horse that matches your skill level and personality.

Take small steps.

Taking small steps towards your riding goals can help you build confidence and improve your skills over time. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty as you become more comfortable in the saddle. For example, if you’re working on trotting, start by practicing in a small, enclosed arena before moving on to open spaces or more challenging terrain. Celebrate your progress and remember that every small step counts towards your ultimate goal. This is what I’ve been doing with Goose. We started in a small space, and now we have worked our way to the outdoor arena, and even out onto the road. Each small step has added up and we just reached 70 hours logged riding!

Seek support.

Finally, don’t be afraid to seek support from other riders, trainers, or coaches. Join a local riding club or online community where you can connect with other riders who share your goals and struggles. I love the Warwick Schiller community on Facebook. It really helps to find a horse community that shares the same values of horsemanship as you. Even joining an online “challenge” can really help. I am currently working through Michael Lyon’s “horsemanship challenge”. It’s given me the extra push I needed to actually get out and ride my horse. I’ve found when I’m not confident in what I’m doing, sometimes it’s easier to just skip it than get out there and do it. A community can really help you stay motivated to work through the tough stuff at the beginning as you gain confidence. Working with a skilled instructor or coach can also provide valuable guidance and support as you work towards building your confidence in the saddle.

In conclusion, gaining confidence in the saddle takes time and effort, but with the right mindset, foundation, horse, approach, and support, you can become a more confident rider. Remember to be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and stay focused on your goals. With persistence and dedication, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

If you’re an equestrian looking to boost your confidence and motivation in the saddle, then don’t miss out on our printable affirmation cards featuring 40 positive affirmations for equestrians. These affirmations are designed to help you stay focused, confident, and motivated, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider. So why not head over to our etsy shop now and start incorporating these powerful affirmations into your daily routine? With a positive mindset and a little bit of practice, you can achieve anything you set your mind to in the saddle. So don’t wait, take action today and start transforming your riding experience with the power of positive affirmations!

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5 Tips to Stay Calm While Riding Your Horse Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:52:51 +0000 I joined this “horsemanship challenge” back in February. The idea was to ride/work with your horse at least 60 times within a 4 month period. In the beginning it was …

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I joined this “horsemanship challenge” back in February. The idea was to ride/work with your horse at least 60 times within a 4 month period. In the beginning it was really hard because I was really nervous and unsure, it was easier just to go out and love on Goose than it was to actually try to catch her and work with her.

However, a challenge does me a lot of good and having this goal in front of me has really made me step up my game. I can now catch her with ease, and we’ve been riding regularly. Yesterday was our 42nd session. We’ve been riding just about daily now. We have worked on things in the arena and I feel confident in her and myself enough to start taking her out of the arena and working on heading out on the trail.

We’ve done this a couple days now, but yesterday was really windy. In the past I would have just skipped it, but heck, I live in Kansas. If you’re not going to ride in the wind, you aren’t going to ride. 😉

We started out and she was a little rushier than she’s been, she felt a little tighter than she has recently felt, she was a little lookier than in recent rides. And then I took a look at myself. I was tighter than I have been, holding my breath, looking around, trying to find the next thing that might spook her. She was literally taking her cues from me. I was acting like there was something to be worried about so sure enough… she was worried.

Here are the tips I’ve got for you, I have used them all and they definitely helped me have a nice ride in the wind yesterday.


You’ve got to breathe. Notice your breath, are you breathing normally? Is your breath shallow? Are you holding your breath? Your breath is one of the biggest indicators to your horse. Take a big deep breath, and blow it out. When Goose hears me blow out a deep breath she almost always takes a deep breath herself. It resets her, and me! We took a lot of breaths yesterday because I kept realizing I was holding mine.

Relax your muscles.

Do a quick body scan. Where are you holding tension. Check your but, your legs, your back, your shoulders, your arms/hands. Relax. Let go of your tension. I notice I hold tension in my but and legs. Take a second to let go of the tension. Move around in the saddle a little bit if you need to. Reposition yourself a little. They can feel that tension. When you are tense they feel there’s a good reason for them to be tense as well.

Use positive self talk

Get yourself a mantra. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. “I can do this” is perfectly fine. Repeat it. Over and over again, until you begin to relax a little bit. If you have trouble coming up with something, here are 60 affirmations for equestrians.

Stay Present

It is so easy to go back in the past and think of things that have happened on previous rides, or jump to the future and wonder what will happen further into this ride. You just can’t. You have to stay present. This moment. The one you are in right now. Right now… she’s good. I’m good. Right now… she’s good. I’m good. The more present you can stay the better your ride will be. Also the quicker you will be able to reacte if you need to because you will be right there in the moment.
I have honestly found riding my horse to be one of the BEST mindfulness practices available to me. It’s quickly becoming my favorite part of riding. <3 It’s just like any other meditation practice, notice your thoughts, and if you find them somewhere beside the moment you’re in, just bring them back. Notice something concrete about the moment. The way your feet feel in the stirrups. The butterfly on the dandelion. The way the reins feel in your hands. All of these will help ground you in the present moment. Don’t be hard on yourself if you find your mind wandering, just keep bringing yourself back to the moment. Your horse will notice.

Trust your horse.

If your horse is safe enough for you to be riding, then it’s safe enough for you to trust it. I have to say, I’m really bad about this sometimes. Goose is a good horse, but I’m a new rider. I don’t always trust myself, which bleeds over into not trusting her. My daughter is always saying to me… “You gotta give Goose some credit. She’s a good girl.” And when I do, I feel more confident and capable. Before I ride, I think about our last ride, which was good. The ride before that was good. She’s never done anything to get me killed, and even the things she used to do that I found scary she doesn’t really do anymore. I’m also a better rider now. Trust yourself and your horse. You’ve got this.

I’m going to throw in one more extra.


It’s silly, but it’s fun and it’s a great way to calm your nerves while you’re riding, and it will force you to breathe as well. Pick a song you know well, and sing. Sing out loud. Your horse loves your voice. 🙂

I hope these tips will help you when you get a bit nervous riding your horse. I know they help me. They are all really simple things, almost too simple, but they work. The hardest part about it is remembering to use them.

If you’ve got tools you use to help overcome nerves when riding, I’d love to hear them, leave a comment and let me know!

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Creating a Gratitude Practice: Morning Gratitude Meditation with Gratitude Affirmations Sat, 08 Apr 2023 15:43:47 +0000 Gratitude is a powerful thing. I don’t know that I have found anything more transformative than the power of gratitude. When you create a practice of gratitude in your life …

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Gratitude is a powerful thing. I don’t know that I have found anything more transformative than the power of gratitude. When you create a practice of gratitude in your life the way you see things begins to change. Instead of seeing all the things going wrong, your mind begins to focus on the things there are to be grateful for. It’s pretty magical. You may find the things that you used to find difficult are now things you are grateful for. Sometimes getting started with a gratitude practice And it is called practice for a reason… you won’t be perfect. Just remember to keep coming back to gratitude. When you catch yourself in a not so grateful headspace, bring yourself back to gratitude. Those are some of the most profound moments.

There are multiple ways to begin to create a gratitude practice and a variety of tools you can use. You can use a gratitude journal to write down the things you are grateful for each day. You can use gratitude affirmations, to help you stay focused on the things you’re grateful for. You can use gratitude affirmation cards to take an affirmation with you through the day. You can also use a morning gratitude meditation.

It seems the idea of gratitude is everywhere these days, but there really are some concrete benefits to creating a gratitude practice.

Benefits of creating a morning gratitude practice:

  1. Improved mental health: Gratitude has been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, and can improve overall mood and well-being.
  2. Increased happiness: Focusing on the good things in life can help increase feelings of happiness and contentment.
  3. Better relationships: Expressing gratitude towards loved ones can improve the quality of relationships and strengthen connections.
  4. Increased resilience: Gratitude can help individuals cope with difficult situations and bounce back from setbacks.
  5. Improved physical health: Research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduced stress.
  6. Increased empathy and kindness: Practicing gratitude can help individuals become more aware of the needs of others and lead to increased acts of kindness and generosity.
  7. Improved self-esteem: Focusing on the positive aspects of one’s life can lead to improved self-esteem and self-worth.
  8. Increased motivation: Gratitude can help individuals feel more motivated to pursue their goals and engage in positive behaviors.

I think it’s pretty obvious that creating a gratitude practice is a worthwhile thing to do, but it can be hard to get started, and keep your practice alive in the midst of our busy lives.

12 Steps to Create and Maintain a Morning Gratitude Practice

  1. Set a time for your daily gratitude practice. Decide on a specific time of day that works best for you to reflect and express gratitude. It could be first thing in the morning, before bed, or during a lunch break.
  2. Choose a method for recording your gratitude. You can write in a journal, use a gratitude app, create a gratitude jar, or simply reflect on your blessings in your mind.
  3. Find a quiet, peaceful place. Choose a place where you can relax and reflect without distractions or interruptions.
  4. Reflect on your blessings. Take a few moments to think about the things you are grateful for. Start with the basics like your health, loved ones, or home, and then move on to the smaller things that bring you joy.
  5. Write down three things you are grateful for. Write down three things you are grateful for, and try to be specific. For example, instead of just saying “I’m grateful for my job,” you could write “I’m grateful for my job because it allows me to provide for my family and pursue my passions.”
  6. Focus on the positive. Keep your thoughts and words positive, and avoid dwelling on negative thoughts or experiences.
  7. Express your gratitude out loud. Say your gratitude statements out loud, and feel the positive energy that comes with expressing your gratitude.
  8. Share your gratitude with others. Share your gratitude statements with friends or family, or even on social media to spread positivity.
  9. Keep it simple. Don’t put pressure on yourself to come up with elaborate statements or experiences to be grateful for. The simpler, the better.
  10. Be consistent. Stick to your daily gratitude practice, even on days when you don’t feel like it. Consistency is key to building a habit.
  11. Mix it up. Try different methods of expressing gratitude to keep things fresh and interesting. You could try drawing a picture, taking a photo, or recording a voice memo.
  12. Stay open and receptive. As you continue your daily gratitude practice, stay open and receptive to new blessings and experiences that come your way. Gratitude begets more abundance, so keep your heart and mind open to receive it.

Don’t try to start with everything, pick something simple, the smallest piece of the puzzle, something you think is so small that it’s just dumb to make it a goal… choose that, and do that. Then celebrate when it’s done. Even if you only do the smallest thing, you’ve done something… and often the smallest thing leads to more, but if it doesn’t… that’s ok too. The longer you practice the easier it becomes, the more confident you become and your gratitude practice will simply become part of your day, like breathing.

Using Gratitude Affirmations in your Morning Gratitude Practice

Using affirmations as part of a gratitude practice can be a powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset and focus on the good things in your life. Here are some steps to incorporate affirmations into your daily gratitude practice:

  1. Choose affirmations that resonate with you: Look for affirmations that inspire and uplift you, and that align with the things you are grateful for in your life.
  2. Set aside time for your practice: Decide on a specific time each day when you will practice your affirmations and gratitude. This could be in the morning, before bed, or any other time that works for you.
  3. Begin with gratitude: Start by expressing gratitude for the things in your life that you are thankful for. This could include your health, your loved ones, your home, your job, or anything else that brings you joy and happiness.
  4. Repeat your affirmations: After expressing gratitude, repeat your chosen affirmations to yourself several times. Visualize yourself embodying the qualities and beliefs that the affirmations represent.
  5. Focus on the feeling: As you repeat your affirmations, focus on the feelings of gratitude, joy, and positivity that they inspire. Allow yourself to fully experience these emotions and let them permeate throughout your body and mind.
  6. Repeat daily: Repeat this practice daily, ideally at the same time each day, to reinforce the positive mindset and strengthen your gratitude practice.

By incorporating affirmations into your daily gratitude practice, you can enhance the benefits of both practices and create a powerful tool for cultivating positivity and gratitude in your life. When I’m having a really rough day, one of my favorite ways to use affirmations is to just take a chair out to the pasture and sit out there with my horse and repeat my affirmations. Between the affirmations and her energy I almost always feel better really quickly.

Click the image below to purchase
60 Printable Gratitude Affirmation Cards

Using Gratitude Affirmations in Your Morning Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude affirmations are a powerful tool to use in your morning meditation practice. Incorporating them into your routine can help you start your day with a positive and grateful mindset. To use gratitude affirmations in your morning gratitude meditation practice, begin by finding a comfortable position and taking a few deep breaths. Focus on the present moment and think about the things in your life that you are grateful for. Then, silently repeat a few gratitude affirmations to yourself, taking a deep breath in before each one. Let the positive energy and warmth of gratitude fill your body and lift your spirits. Take a moment to appreciate the present moment and the abundance in your life. It can be tough to create the meditation yourself so I have created a morning gratitude meditation with affirmations for you below.

Morning Gratitude Meditation with Gratitude Affirmations:

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit undisturbed for the next 5 minutes. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly. Repeat this a few more times until you feel relaxed and centered.

Now, bring to mind something that you are grateful for in your life. It could be something as simple as the sun shining outside or something more profound, like the love of a family member.

Repeat the following affirmations to yourself, one by one, allowing the feeling of gratitude to fill your heart and mind:

  1. I am grateful for the abundance in my life, and I focus on the blessings rather than the lack.
  2. I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way and embrace them with open arms.
  3. I appreciate the small moments of joy that make life special and beautiful.
  4. I am grateful for the people in my life who support and love me unconditionally.
  5. I give thanks for the health and well-being of my body, mind, and spirit.

As you repeat these affirmations, visualize the people, things, and experiences that bring gratitude and joy to your life. Imagine yourself surrounded by an aura of gratitude and positivity, and let this feeling infuse every part of your being.

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. When you’re ready, open your eyes and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the present moment.

Remember, gratitude is a powerful practice that can transform your life. By incorporating these affirmations into your daily routine, you can cultivate a more grateful mindset and experience the many benefits of gratitude in your life.

I hope these ideas will help you create your own gratitude practice. I can’t wait to hear how it changes you and your relationships. <3

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40 Positive Affirmations for Equestrians Tue, 04 Apr 2023 15:24:11 +0000 Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for promoting self-care, personal growth, and emotional well-being and overcoming anxiety. Positive affirmations can have many benefits, including: The benefits are definitely there, …

The post 40 Positive Affirmations for Equestrians appeared first on Little Gray Mare.

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for promoting self-care, personal growth, and emotional well-being and overcoming anxiety. Positive affirmations can have many benefits, including:

  1. Boost self-confidence: Repeating positive affirmations for confidence can help you feel more confident and capable, and can counteract negative self-talk and self-doubt.
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety: Positive affirmations for anxiety can help you focus on the present moment, reduce negative thinking patterns, and promote relaxation.
  3. Enhance overall well-being: Repeating positive affirmations can improve your mood, increase feelings of happiness and contentment, and promote positive thinking.
  4. Improve performance: Positive affirmations can help you stay focused and motivated, and can boost your performance in various areas of your life, such as sports, academics, or work.
  5. Encourage positive behavior: Repeating positive affirmations can help you establish new habits and behaviors that are aligned with your goals and values.

The benefits are definitely there, but to reap the rewards you have to actually use them. Here are some best ways to use positive affirmations:

  1. Be specific: Instead of using generic affirmations, create affirmations that are specific to your needs and goals. For example, if you want to improve your confidence, you can use affirmations like “I am confident in my abilities and trust my decisions.”
  2. Use present tense: Use affirmations in the present tense, as if they are already true. This helps to shift your focus to the present moment and away from negative thoughts about the past or future.
  3. Repeat them daily: Repeat your affirmations daily, ideally in the morning or before bed. Repetition helps to reinforce the positive message in your mind and create a new belief system.
  4. Visualize: As you repeat your affirmations, try to visualize the outcome you want. For example, if you’re affirming that you are healthy and fit, imagine yourself feeling energetic and strong.
  5. Believe: It’s important to believe in your affirmations for them to work. If you doubt the truth of your affirmation, it may not have the desired effect.
  6. Be consistent: Positive affirmations are most effective when used consistently over time. Make them a part of your daily routine, and you’ll start to see positive changes in your life.

So let’s get started. Following the tip to be specific I’ve created 40 positive affirmations specifically for equestrians, riders, and trainers (because every time you are with your horse you are training it, whether you realize it or not!).

Positive Affirmations for horse riders

  1. I am a skilled and confident rider.
  2. I trust my abilities to handle any situation that arises while riding.
  3. My connection with my horse is strong and intuitive.
  4. I am centered and balanced in the saddle.
  5. I enjoy the freedom and exhilaration of riding.
  6. My horse and I work together in harmony.
  7. I am grateful for the opportunity to ride and connect with nature.
  8. I am patient and compassionate with my horse, and we learn and grow together.
  9. I feel peaceful and at ease when I am riding.
  10. I embrace the challenge of improving my riding skills and becoming a better rider

Positive Affirmations for horse training:

  1. I am patient and kind when training my horse.
  2. My horse and I have a strong bond of trust and respect.
  3. I am a knowledgeable and effective trainer.
  4. Every training session is an opportunity for my horse and I to learn and grow together.
  5. I am attuned to my horse’s needs and adjust my training approach accordingly.
  6. I am persistent and dedicated to helping my horse achieve its full potential.
  7. My horse is willing and eager to learn from me.
  8. I am creative and adaptable in my training methods.
  9. I celebrate every small success during the training process.
  10. I am grateful for the special relationship I have with my horse, and for the opportunity to help it reach its full potential.

Positive Affirmations for Equestrians:

  1. I am a skilled and competent equestrian.
  2. I am confident and focused in the saddle.
  3. I am grateful for the special bond I have with my horse.
  4. Every ride is an opportunity to learn and grow as an equestrian.
  5. I am committed to improving my skills and knowledge as an equestrian.
  6. I trust my intuition and instincts when riding and caring for my horse.
  7. I approach every challenge with patience and determination.
  8. I am part of a supportive community of equestrians who share my passion.
  9. I am respectful and compassionate towards my horse and all other animals.
  10. I am proud to be an equestrian and grateful for the joy and fulfillment it brings to my life.

Positive affirmations for anxiety in equestrians:

  1. I am strong and capable of overcoming my anxiety.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  3. I release all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
  4. I have the power to overcome my anxiety and feel good riding my horse.
  5. I am grateful for every small victory in my battle against anxiety.
  6. I am surrounded by love and support from those who care about me.
  7. I trust myself to handle any challenges that come up with my horse.
  8. I am worthy of love and acceptance, regardless of my anxiety.
  9. I am resilient and adaptable in the face of adversity.
  10. I choose to focus on the present moment.

It’s great to have a list of positive affirmations, but it’s even better when you can focus on one. If you can take it with you, put it in your pocket, touch it to remind yourself of the affirmation. I’ve created 40 positive affirmation cards for equestrians. They are on beautiful watercolor backgrounds. Print them out and choose one each day. Put it in your pocket and keep it with you throughout the day.

Click the image below to get them now.

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Using The Tools to Get Out of The Maze Tue, 07 Mar 2023 16:24:11 +0000 If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change Wayne Dyer When I set the intention to be more calm and connected (both for …

The post Using The Tools to Get Out of The Maze appeared first on Little Gray Mare.


If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

Wayne Dyer

When I set the intention to be more calm and connected (both for me and my horse) resources started showing up. I love how that works. One day in a Facebook community someone recommended the Netflix Documentary Stutz. I watched it and a lightbulb went off. All my life I’ve wished for a tool, something that I can use in the moment to get me through things, be it anxiety, anger, feeling trapped, and here shows up Phil Stutz and Jonah Hill of all people, with actual TOOLS to help me do it!

The movie blew my mind and got me feeling all the possibilities. I immediately went to Amazon and ordered The Tools on Kindle so I didn’t have to wait. Quickly realized it was a book I really needed to have in physical form so I could see it and touch it and flip through it. I literally use this book every day, so I ordered The Tools in paperback.

Phil talks about getting stuck in The Maze in the movie. That bit hit me so hard because I feel like I’ve literally been stuck in The Maze for the last 2 years. 🙁 Here’s a clip about what he says about The Maze. See if it resonates with you as well.

Honestly, some of these tools are pretty woo woo out there. But the thing is, I’ve used them all and they work. Just the other day I found myself locked in the maze going around and around in my head. Spiraling down into the darkness, feeling like I had been wronged. I caught myself, realized I was stuck in the maze, took 30 seconds to use The Active Love tool and immediately felt 100% better. To have these tools to draw upon… it’s everything. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Phil, and Jonah, and the person in the Facebook group for sharing them.

The thing is, when you get stuck in The Maze it’s hard to have good energy, to feel positive. When you don’t have good energy it’s really hard to go out and create a positive interaction with your horse. In fact, I find it’s hard to even get motivated to go out and spend time with mine, because I’m trapped. Trapped in the never ending loop of unfairness. Being able to break out of the maze means everything. You can free yourself. It doesn’t take years of talk therapy, or thousands or even hundreds of dollars. The movie is free on Netflix, and the book that tells you everything about all the tools is 12 bucks. I know I’m fan girling a little bit, but it is seriously the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time.

Learn the tools and use them.

I’ve found documenting my journey makes it easier to recognize when I get stuck in the maze, or in negative thinking. Having a beautiful space to document and reflect really helps me stay on the right path. If you’re looking for a beautiful planning journal for the next 30 days of your journey with your horse, I created this one for me, and you. Click the image below to learn more.

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Connection: Reading in the Pasture Tue, 20 Dec 2022 15:06:17 +0000 As I’ve listened to podcasts and read posts in the Warwick Schiller Facebook group, I’ve noticed he reads a LOT. Honestly, since Covid started I have found it very hard …

The post Connection: Reading in the Pasture appeared first on Little Gray Mare.

As I’ve listened to podcasts and read posts in the Warwick Schiller Facebook group, I’ve noticed he reads a LOT. Honestly, since Covid started I have found it very hard to focus on reading. As an avid reader I’ve been left feeling quite guilty that I haven’t really read a book in a couple years. I’ve felt that begin to pass and picked up a few books from Warwick’s book list.

One of the ways he suggests to help create connection with your horses is to go out to the pasture with a chair and just sit and read. It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the program… sitting, reading, horses… what’s not to love.

Yesterday the weather was warm enough to sit outside so I headed to the pasture with a chair and a book. I’m currently reading Mind to Matter on my kindle, but I wanted to take an actual book to the pasture so I grabbed The Body Keeps Score. Warwick’s book list scares me a little, it’s not a light hearted book list. It’s a book list that’s going to make you work on yourself. The Body Keeps Score is one of those books. It’s about overcoming trauma, which is a topic I generally push out of my mind and try not to think about. But like they say, the things you don’t deal with keep coming up until you do.

I got to the pasture and got settled in. Instantly Fiddler came over trying to see what I was doing. He grabbed my book and ran off with it. I got the book back, sans some corners. Then he tried to eat my chair. I love this horse. He will always make you feel loved, but I wanted to just sit and be, which is not really possible with him around. I took him out of the pasture and came back to read. Goose and Nora are also in this pasture. We got Nora a couple months ago. She’s super obedient. An amazing cowhorse, and a bit shut down. I really wanted to be able to have some no expectation connection time with her.

She checked out my chair a bit while I was putting Fiddler up, and then mosied off to the hay. She kept looking up at me. She just looked like she didn’t quite understand what the heck I was doing just sitting in her pasture. Goose swung by for a bit and then wandered off to stand by the gate Fiddler had left through. Which is all perfectly fine. The point of hanging out in the pasture is to NOT have expectations. To let them do what they want, to just be. I also like this hanging out in the pasture while I pick poo. I enjoy being in the same space, doing my thing, they’re doing their thing. They sometimes come over, they wander away. These well trained horses who do great at their job… I think most of their lives they’ve been asked to be DOING something, specific, by a human. It’s good for them to know sometimes being around us doesn’t come with demands.

I was a little worried starting The Body Keeps Score, but once I got started it seems like it’s going to be a very interesting book. I’ll give you a review when I’m done. The next few days are going to be VERY cold… so I’ll have to read in the house. 🙂

I mentioned in the Warwick Schiller Facebook group that I was outside reading and someone asked if I was reading the book out loud to the horses. I was not, but it was an interesting thought. Do you read outside in your horse’s pasture? Do you read out loud to them? Tell me in the comments. I’d love to know.

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